All of our items are as advertised. All sales are FOB origin PA.
Payment in U.S. Dollars only.
Unless otherwise indicated, items will be shipped via USPS.
Domestic Shipments: Single CDs will be shipped via 1st Class Mail. Multiple CD shipments will be "Media Mail" or "First Class", whichever is less.
We are not responsible for typographical errors to text or descriptions, nor for errors included in the product information or literature. If you want to make sure of something in particular, pertaining to a specific CD, please contact us and we will try to answer your question or double check to confirm the information.
If you receive a defective item, you may return it to us for replacement. Upon receipt of the item, we will replace it with the same title only. If the same title is not available, then we will fully refund your payment.
If you mistakenly order the wrong item, it may be returned only if unopened and undamaged (we must be able to re-sell it as new). There will be a restocking charge of 15%. Shipping will not be reimbursed.